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How to create and set up a sequence
How to create and set up a sequence

The article describes how to create a multitouch sequence from scratch

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Written by Reply Team
Updated over a week ago

Sequence is a feature that enables you to create a series of steps for outreach and communication with your contacts. These steps can include various channels of communication, such as email, LinkedIn connections, SMS, WhatsApp messages, and more.

You can use pre-made templates for sequences or set them up manually as per your needs. You can add contacts, set schedules, and make other configurations for each sequence. Once a sequence is set up, it will run automatically according to the schedule and settings you have defined, making it easy to manage your outreach efforts.

To create a new sequence:

1. Open the Sequences page from the header menu.

2. Click the "New sequence" button and select the way you want to create a sequence:

  • From template. If you select this option, you can choose between the templates from Reply and your team templates (if you have team templates).

  • From scratch. Use the next instructions in this article for this method.

  • From magic ✨. Here's a detailed guide on how to create sequences from magic.

3. If you have selected the From scratch option, add a name for your sequence and click the Add step button to create the first step.

4. A pop-up window will appear, where you can easily switch between different types of steps and combine them in the order that best suits your workflow. Below is a list of available steps with links to articles containing detailed instructions for each of them:

When creating sequence steps, you can also manage the steps and perform such operations as:

  • Reordering steps within the sequence using drag-and-drop

  • Cloning steps

  • Adding and pausing A/B variants to email steps

  • Setting up a step delay

  • Deleting steps

Refer to this article for detailed instructions on managing steps in sequence.

Once you have created all the necessary steps, click "Next."

5. Set the schedule for your sequence. At this stage, you can either select an existing sending schedule or create a new one. Here's a detailed article about setting up the schedule for a sequence. Once you have selected the schedule, click "Next."

6. Add contacts to your sequence by clicking the "Add People" button. You can upload contacts from .csv file, add existing contacts, or create them manually. Here are instructions on how to add contacts.

7. Set up the sequence settings. It is important to understand Manual and Automatic handling of Call and Task steps as well as Max Daily Prospects Throttling.  

8. Save and launch the sequence.

Launch step in the Sequence Wizard provides you with an overview of all the settings as well as possible errors in your sequence.

Click "Save" to save a draft of your sequence or "Save & Launch" to save and launch it instantly. You can also jump to any step and make some changes.

Please note. The launch step may also display some problems with your sequence.

For example, if your sequence contains manual or automatic email steps, SMS steps, and LinkedIn steps, Reply will check if there is a valid email account, phone number, and LinkedIn account connected to your Reply account.

If sequence parameters are missed or don't pass validation, the "Save & Launch" button will be inactive, and your sequence cannot be launched. You can still save the draft of your sequence but not run it.

In case of any errors, when you hover on the "Save & Launch" button, you will see a pop-up with an explanation of what details are missing and links to corresponding pages on the platform where you can add all the details and fix the problem.

Please make sure to add the missing phone number, email, or LinkedIn accounts that are required to send the corresponding steps in your sequence.

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