Reply has expanded contact profiles with new basic fields. It is now possible to save three new basic fields additionally: Sales Navigator as a URL, Company Size as a value from the drop-down list, and Industry as text.
To check/update a contact with the new Company Size, Industry, Sales Navigator fields:
Go to the People page → click on a contact name → contact profile sidebar will open
Go to the Sequences page → select any sequence and click on its People tab → click on a contact name → contact profile sidebar will open
Exporting contacts using a CSV file
Reply lets you export contacts into a CSV file and choose between exporting Basic Fields and All Fields. Sales Navigator, Industry, Company Size are now available and can be mapped. For more information on how to export contacts into a CSV file, read this article.
Please note: The new fields are also supported when importing contacts from a CSV file to a Reply sequence or account in general.
Creating email templates
When creating an email template, you can use any number of variables, including the new Sales Navigator, Industry, and Company Size.
Creating new filters to sort prospects
You can create a filter to sort prospects that have a certain property in sequences. For example, you might want to push prospects of specific company size or belonging to a specific industry into your sequence. To quickly sort prospects using the new filter fields:
On the People page (People tab in a sequence), click ADD FILTER.
In the Filter name field, enter the name for your filter (optionally).
In the Property field, select e.g. Industry from the drop-down list. Type the industry you choose.
Select the rule for your filter.
Add other properties if needed.
Click Save or Apply to display the results.
Important: When mapping rules for the new filters, choose Contains for Sales Navigator and Industry. For Company Size, select values from the drop-down:
Additionally, Reply makes the Industry and Company Size fields available in the grid on the People page or People tab in a sequence. You can now sort your prospects using these columns.