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How we calculate analytics

This article describes how Reply calculates key metrics from the email dashboard on the Reports page

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Written by Reply Team
Updated over a week ago

Detailed breakdown of key metrics

Total people

Total people is the overall number of people we sent the sequence message to. Here we summarize the Contacted, Out of Office, Bounced and Auto Replied contacts. If you delete a contact from your Reply account, Total people will decrease in the report. However, if you browse a report for the whole team and delete a team member, the statistics will not change.

Note: If you select the whole period of email delivery as the time range, Total people will not coincide with Total people as a sum of several time ranges within the whole period of email delivery. This is because any time range within the whole period of email delivery considers unique people at all sequence steps, and the whole period - the total number of at least once contacted people. So, the sum of several time ranges within the sequence is greater than the whole sequence time range. 


All people in the sequence that Reply has sent emails to. The number does not include Out of Office, Bounced and Auto Replied contacts.

Delivery rate

Delivery rate summarizes the emails from all sequence steps. The Delivered category excludes bounces but includes automatic replies and out-of-office emails as they were technically delivered to the contact.

Delivery rate in % = number of delivered emails x 100 / Total people

Open rate

Open rate is the number of opened emails on all steps.

Open rate in % = number of opened emails x 100 / Contacted

Note: Open rate does not count automatic replies and out-of-office messages.

Reply rate

Reply rate is the number of historical replies in a sequence. The Reply rate Breakdown by emails metric is displayed when at least one email gets into any inbox category including custom categories. Reply rate Breakdown by emails is displayed for the current moment and does not always coincide with the overall Reply rate.

Reply rate in % = number of replies x 100 / Contacted

Note: Reply rate does not count automatic replies and out-of-office messages.


The Interested metric represents the number of interested contacts. Reply calculates it by the Interested inbox category.

Interested in % = Interested x 100 / Contacted

Opt outs rate

The Opt outs rate metrics represent the number of contacts who unsubscribed from your emails. It works in real-time and is not historical.

  • If you remove the Opted out status, the statistics changes.

  • If you remove the contact with the Opted out status, it will remain in the historical statistics.

  • If you remove the contact from the sequence and remove the Opted out status, it will not be counted in the statistics.

Opt outs rate in % = Opted out x 100 / Contacted

Bounce rate

The Bounce rate metrics represent the number of bounced emails divided by the total number of people.

Bounce rate in % = Bounced emails x 100 / Total people

Not reached

Not reached is the sum of Out of Office, Bounced and Auto Replied contacts. If Reply detects the out of office wording in the reply, it considers the contact as out of office and cancels mailing.

Note: if you delete a sequence that has statistics, the historical statistics will not change.

Not reached in % = Not reached x 100 / Total people

To see the raw data for the Out of Office, Bounced and Auto Replied contacts, hover over the Not reached metric on the Reports page:

At the bottom of the Reports page, you can also find detailed statistics for each team member, sequence, or template:

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