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People in Reply step in Salesforce integrations (Ownership mappings)
People in Reply step in Salesforce integrations (Ownership mappings)

Learn how to use ownership mappings to automatically sync contacts between two platforms and assign them to specific team members

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Written by Reply Team
Updated over a week ago

Ownership mappings let you move synced contacts directly to certain team members or even sequences in Reply.

During Reply <> Salesforce integration, you can transfer contacts between the two platforms. If you are working in a team (Team Edition Public mode is turned on, or you are a team owner in Private mode), there can be several team members that may process these contacts. With ownership mappings, you can assign contacts to the whole team and all the members can receive contacts in the needed instance.

Here's a full flow of mapping of the owners during integration with Salesforce:

To map owners, follow these steps:

  1. Open Integrations, navigate to the Salesforce block, and click "Configure."

  2. Select one or a few types of contacts synchronization:

    • Contacts in Salesforce → People in Reply

    • Leads in Salesforce → People in Reply

    • People in Reply → Contacts in Salesforce

    • People in Reply → Leads in Salesforce

  3. Click on the "Ownership mappings" section and make sure Salesforce and Reply owner(s) are linked in the right way.

    By default the pair for mapping will be as follows: the main Salesforce account connected + Reply account from which integration is connected. To set up a pair for mapping, click on the owners' field and select the needed owners from the drop-down list. You can set up multiple pairs for contact sync.

    On the left side (from the main source of synchronization) you can select each team owner only once. On the right (the final destination) - you can select the same owners multiple times.

    Make sure not to set a filter by Owner ID if you want to use owner mappings in your people sync as they contradict one another.

  4. To save all the ownership mappings, click Save.

    Please note. You can also click on the Save and apply for all steps button to apply set mappings to the rest of the types of contacts sync.

    Lastly, make sure you do not have Automatic Assignment rules set up in Salesforce as they could interfere with your owner mapping set up through the integration.


If you want to set up two types of steps at once, such as:

  • People in Reply → Contacts in Salesforce

  • People in Reply → Leads in Salesforce

please make sure you have rules in Salesforce that prevent duplicate creation. Otherwise, one contact in reply can become both a lead and a contact in Salesforce.

People to sequence

When moving contacts from Salesforce → to Reply, for each mapped owner you can also set a sequence where the synced contacts can be further processed.

  1. Once you have mapped owners, click on the People to sequence section.

  2. Select Reply owners → Sequence → Step. You can also enable additional settings for the sequence:

  • Ignore step delay

  • Only for new records

As a result, synced contacts from Salesforce will be sent to the chosen Reply team member and automatically added to the chosen sequence and step.

Please note. Make sure to select team owners in the People to sequence section that are present in the same step's Owner mappings. If you choose an owner who isn't in the owner mappings, no contacts will be synced for them, so no contacts will be assigned to the sequences.

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