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Tasks page

Learn about the Tasks page: its purpose, layout, available actions, filters, and more.

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Written by Reply Team
Updated over a week ago

The Tasks page allows you to see and manage task activities for yourself and your team. You can filter out your tasks by multiple criteria (time period, task type, and task status) and perform bulk actions with those tasks: bulk select, finish, delete, and launch (to execute them in Reply Chrome Extension).

Although the main purpose of the Tasks page is to enable you to execute tasks generated by sequences in conjunction with the Chrome Extension, you can also create tasks manually from here, if needed.

Page layout

The Tasks page consists of a grid with tasks, actions that you can perform with those tasks (actions appear once you select a checkbox next to a task), and filters that allow you to filter out tasks by multiple criteria (task status, task type, and time period).

When Team Edition is off, everyone sees and can manage only their own tasks on the Tasks page. In Team Edition, both Private and Public, team owners can see and manage everyone’s tasks, while the rest of the team members -- only tasks assigned to them.


For each task in the grid, you can see:

  1. Checkbox for selection (bulk actions)

  2. Task type as an icon

  3. Start date/time (on hover -- full date) in the timezone from Reply user settings

  4. Task type as text + contact (except for "To do")

  5. Task type or, if the task was created automatically or from a sequence, Task type + Sequence name (click to navigate to the corresponding sequence Steps tab)

  6. Due in hours/minutes (on hover -- full date/time) in the timezone from Reply user settings

    • Red: the task is due in 0 - 59 min

    • Yellow: the task is due in 1 - 8 hours

    • Green: the task is due in 8 hours+

  7. Owner (on hover -- owner's name)

By default, the grid is sorted by Due date/time from oldest to newest.


The Tasks page has 2 blocks of filters: quick filters at the very top of the page and the time filter located below the quick filters, on the right. Tasks in the grid are shown based on these filters.

Quick filters

Quick filters consist of 2 types of filters:

  • Task Status filters (All, New, Due, and Completed) and

  • Task Type filters (All types, Emails, Calls, Meetings, SMS, LinkedIn, WhatsApp, and Task)

These are AND filters, meaning that if you select "All" in the Task Status filter and "Calls" in the Task Type filter, the grid will display all the tasks of type "call" for the date range selected in the Time filter (Today and forward, Last 7 days, Last 30 days, or Custom).

Task Status quick filters

When you select a Task Status in the quick filter, it applies an additional filter to the Time filter and Task Type quick filter.

Options available in the Task Status quick filter:

  • All - click to display all non-deleted tasks for the date range selected in the Time filter.

  • New - click to show all non-deleted, non-due, and not completed tasks for the date range selected in the Time filter.

  • Due - click to display all non-deleted, and not completed tasks that already passed their due time for the date range selected in the Time filter.

  • Completed - click to show all non-deleted and completed tasks for the date range selected in the Time filter.

Task Type quick filters

When you select a Task Type in the quick filter, it applies an additional filter to the Time filter and Task Status quick filter.

Options available in the Task Type quick filter:

  • All Types

  • LinkedIn (Message, Connect, InMail, View Profile)

  • Calls

  • Manual Emails

  • Manual SMS

  • WhatsApp

  • To Do

  • Meetings

Time filter

This is an additional filter applied to the selected quick filters (Task Type and Task Status). The default setting of the Time filter is Today and forward, which means that by default the grid displays all the tasks for today and forward. The Time filter also allows you to filter our tasks in the grid for:

  • Last 7 days

  • Last 30 days

  • Custom (set a custom time interval)

To filter out the tasks:

  1. Click the Time filter

  2. Select one of the available options from the drop-down list that appears

And you are all set! The grid displays only tasks for the selected time period.

Actions with tasks

You can perform the following individual and bulk actions with tasks: launch (to execute tasks in Reply Chrome Extension), change owner, complete, and remove.

To perform an action:

  1. In the grid, select checkbox(es) next to the task(s) you would like to perform an action with. To select all the tasks and perform a bulk action, select the All checkbox above the grid. You can then deselect checkboxes next to the tasks you don't want to perform a bulk action with if needed.

  2. Click the corresponding button right above the grid: Launch, Change owner, Complete, or Remove.

  3. Confirm the operation if prompted.

You are all set!

Important: If you are using the "Complete" button for manual email tasks, please keep in mind that in this case the emails won't be sent or done. However, tasks will be marked as completed, and contacts are going to be moved to the next step. Manual tasks and emails can only be completed and sent using the Chrome extension.

Create a task

The Tasks page allows you to not only manage tasks generated by sequences and the Chrome Extension but also manually create new tasks.

To create a task:

  1. On the Tasks page, click the New task button in the top right-hand corner.

  2. In the New Task dialog box that appears, do the following:

    • Select a Task Type: To Do (default), Call, LinkedIn, Manual Email, Manual SMS, WhatsApp, Meeting. For LinkedIn, also select a subtype: Message, Connect, InMail, View Profile. Learn more about task types and subtypes in the Task types section below.

    • Select a Start Date and Due Date.

    • Add a Contact (except for To Do tasks).

    • Provide a Description, if necessary.

    • For an email, also provide a Subject.

  3. Click Save.

You are all set! A new task is created and added to the grid.

Task types

The following task types are available for selection when you create a new task:

To Do
Use this type as a memo for any planned activity.

Use if you want to make a direct call to the prospect.


  • Message: Use to set up a reminder to send a LinkedIn message to the prospect.

  • Connect: Use to set up a reminder to connect on LinkedIn with the prospect.

  • InMail: Use to set up a reminder to send an InMail to the prospect.

  • View Profile: Use to set up a reminder to view the prospects LinkedIn profile.

Manual Email
Use to set up a reminder to send a personal email to your prospect during a given period of time.

Manual SMS

Use to set up a reminder to send an sms to your prospect during a given period of time.

Use a reminder about a WhatsApp message to the prospect.

Use to schedule a meeting with the prospect.

Here is a short video tutorial explaining the purpose of the Tasks page, as well as the available functionality:

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