The team performance dashboard helps you to analyze the difference in stats within the whole team. We have metrics on their performance, booked meetings, and replies. Here is how you can check:
choose the Team Performance of the Reports drop-down.
find the needed teammate and check the stats
Once you are on the Team Performance tab, you will see the following sections:
Team performance overview
Meetings chart
Meetings breakdown table
Reply sentiment
Replies table
Below, we'll take a closer look at each section so that you have a better understanding.
Team performance overview
The overview section located at the top of the page provides a comprehensive snapshot of key metrics:
Total booked meetings.
Contacts sequenced.
Meeting conversion rate (%).
Total touches per contact, categorized into:
Auto touches per contact: includes automated SMS and emails.
Manual touches per contact: includes all manual interactions, excluding To-Dos and Meetings.
Average response time.
You can also find the Time filter to display data by week, month, or year, or view it for all time.
Meetings chart
This tab lets you view scheduled meetings for the entire team over a specific period and compare the performance. You can also filter the results by team member by clicking/unclicking their name below the chart.
Meetings breakdown table
Here, you can analyze the performance of each team member. The metrics include total meetings, contacts, conversion rate, total touches per contact, and the average response time. The last column shows the score for every sales representative in your team compared to each other.
Reply sentiment
Here, you can see the total number of replies and the percentage for each category in your Inbox. There's a categorization of replies in color for each team member. You can also exclude/include certain metrics by simply clicking/unclicking.
Replies table
This tab analyzes the performance of each team member in terms of replies. This includes the total number of responses, the percentage of Interested/ Not interested, Not now, Do not contact, Forwarded, and Unsorted emails.
Here is a short video tutorial describing this tab and all the available functionality: