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Why are the replies not detected?
Why are the replies not detected?

Learn about most common reasons the responses cannot be detected

Reply Team avatar
Written by Reply Team
Updated yesterday

Reply connects your email account via IMAP (receiving emails) and SMTP (sending emails) settings. The email address specified in the IMAP section is the one we use to check contact replies.

Usually, it takes up to 3-4 hours for the responses to be detected and synced to Reply. Here are the tips to make sure the detection goes smoothly:

  • Keep all replies in the main inbox folder for at least 3 hours.

  • Do not move emails anywhere to another folder.

  • Reply detects forwarded emails only if they have been forwarded from within the original email (not if composed a new email). It should have the email of the prospect from your system.

  • The sending email is connected properly (has a green dot next to it).

  • The contacts have the Active or Active + Contacted statuses; they cannot be Finished.

๐Ÿ’กย Important: Reply detects responses based on the email address, so there is no connection to the sequence. If you ever had a personal conversation with a contact, and they respond to you, the system will mark them as Replied in the sequence.

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