This article describes how to start an email sequence that will bring you the best possible results.
Getting the source of leads/list of emails
LinkedIn is a good way to collect targeted leads’ emails and stay personal using the data from their profile information. For better performance, use LinkedIn Extractor or Email Hunter, or semi-automated targeted services (e.g. Aeroleads).
Creating professional email templates
Make sure you follow the main rules of a killer sales email that guarantee you will have successful sequences using email automation:
Make sure you do provide the data necessary to define your offer and make it clear.
Describe the benefit for the customer. Keep it as simple as possible.
Do not ask for too much.
Make your email personal to get more trust.
Creating a business email account
Register separate email domain that would contain your name and your company name. Make sure your clients do not see that you are using email automation software.
Delivering value for your customers
Make sure you give to your clients something they need and care of their requests. Free offers, good pieces of advice and even added value are good when your customers can benefit from it.
Handling responses
You will need someone to initially sort the responses when your business gets bigger. Choose whether to do it yourself or assign an employee with at least primary sorting of replies to Interested/Not interested/Unsure.
Analyzing performance
After launching a sequence, it’s essential to regularly inspect the summary report on statistics. Analyze changes in the indices as your sequence is running.
Developing, scaling and growing
Carry out split tests on schedules, subject lines and email copies. Add links to social networks and corporate blog/website. Segment your prospects. Use personalization. Study use cases. Do the same and improve your sequence based on others’ experience.