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New Integration with Pipedrive
New Integration with Pipedrive

Learn how to make the most of Reply integration with your PipeDrive account: connect apps, sync data, map fields and automate workflows

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Written by Reply Team
Updated over a week ago

The new Pipedrive integration allows you to benefit from eliminating the manual input of data between two systems by effectively syncing contacts between Reply and Pipedrive. You can now also enjoy the ability to record outreach activities from Reply to Pipedrive. All you need to do is set up integration steps between Reply and Pipedrive that allow custom and default field mapping and filtering rules. You can also enable triggers for a set of events that will result in actions on the Pipedrive side.

How it works

The sync and update of people happens through API every 2 hours. You can see the amount of the (either way) synced and updated people in the logs section.

The Triggers & Activity section is synced through webhooks. As soon as the trigger event happened in Reply, the resulting action will take place in Pipedrive.

Set up integration

To integrate your Reply account with Pipedrive:

  1. Log in to Reply.

  2. Open the Integrations page, find Pipedrive and click Connect.

  3. Enter the Pipedrive API key into the dialog box that appears and click Authenticate.

    You can find the Pipedrive API key under Settings - API.

  4. On the Steps tab, open a sync step:
    People in Pipedrive → People in Reply

    People In Reply → People in Pipedrive


    After you have set up the integration, you need to decide which fields in Pipedrive should correspond to the fields in Reply. To do this:

    • Open the Mapping section of the Pipedrive integration.

    • Set up field mappings, for example, Company - Organization.

    • Click Save.

    Full name is a required field for the Pipedrive integration, but if you only have a first name that would be enough.


    Your next step is to set up filtering rules to sync only a specific group of objects (optional). To do this, create a new filter in Pipedrive and select it or an existing filter in the drop-down shown below, then click Save.

    Filtering rules from Pipedrive:

    Filtering rules from Reply:

    You can create filters on the People page in Reply You will then be able to select those filters in the drop-down shown in the above screenshot.


    This option lets you add a contact from Pipedrive to an ongoing Reply sequence.

    To enable the People to sequence option:

    • Select a sequence and a step of that sequence.

    • Enable Ignore step delay (optional).

      • When enabled, the contact will be processed right away in the sequence. For example, if it's an email, it will be sent right away, no matter what the current step is.

      • When this option is disabled, the contact will wait for the duration of the set delay for the step to be processed. For example, if your step delay is set to 5 days, the new contact you add to the sequence will wait for 5 days before the step is processed.

    • Enable Only for new records (optional). Once this option is enabled, only new records added to Reply will be moved to the sequence. Updated records will be skipped.

    • Click Save. You are all set!


    You can sync contacts from Reply to Pipedrive and assign them to team members. Just select a contact owner on the Reply's side and map it with a corresponding team member on the Pipedrive side.

    In the Triggers & Activity section, turn on triggers:

    • Email sent (trigger works when a sequence email is sent)

    • Email opened (trigger works when any email is tracked as opened for the first time)

    • Link clicked (trigger works when the link in the sequence email is clicked for the first time)

    • Email replied (trigger works when I get a reply to any of my emails)

    • Inbox category set: Interested (trigger works when a reply is categorized as Interested)

    • Inbox category set: Negative (trigger works when the reply is categorized as Opted out, Not now, Not interested)

    • Task completed (trigger works when a task was manually carried out ( Send and Complete) or when it just completed (Complete), but not when it was automatically completed.

    • Call logged (trigger works when the call actually happened and was logged or when the call was logged manually)

    • Note added (trigger works when the note was added to the contact)

Triggers only work for contacts that are already in Reply and Pipedrive. Triggers don’t create contacts.
As well, triggers do not sync retrospectively. Triggers will only work for the events that happened after the trigger was turned on.

Select actions on the Pipedrive side:

  • Record activity for the person

  • Create a deal
    Note: when you create a deal in Pipedrive, you need to define a pipeline for it. To do this, you can select an existing pipeline or create a new one.

  • Move the deal to the next stage

  • Record activity for the deal

Note: in Pipedrive, you can set up several actions for one event. Actions take place automatically as soon as the event happens.

9. Turn the toggles on. The objects are synced based on the selected conditions.

10. If your API key changed, you can update it here:

When sync happens, contacts that weren't present in Pipedrive but are present in Reply are created in Pipedrive with a set of fields that are mapped.

Contacts that are present in Pipedrive and are present in Reply, get their mapped fields updated with the new info from Reply, if there is any.

Sync happens in accordance with the rules of Team Edition:

  • No Team Edition - just mine

  • Team Edition Private - just mine

  • Team Edition Public - all that I can see

Use cases

  1. Sync only un-bounced contacts from Reply to Pipedrive:

    • Create a filter on the People page

    • Select the filter in the integration step

    • Launch the sync

2. Sync contacts from Pipedrive to Reply and push them to sequence:

  • Create a step

  • Select a filter

  • Select a sequence

  • Select a step

  • Select Only for new records

  • Launch the sync

3. Task completed - Record activity for the person:

  • Enable the Task completed trigger by switching on the toggle.

  • Select the action in the drop-down list on the right.

4. Linked clicked - Create the deal and record activity for the deal:

  • Enable the Link clicked trigger by switching on the toggle.

  • For Create a deal, select the pipeline from the drop-down list of available ones.

  • For Record activity for the deal, select an action from the drop-down list of available ones.

5. Inbox category set Interested - move the deal to the next stage:

  • Enable the Inbox category set: Interested trigger by switching on the toggle.

  • Select an action from the drop-down list of available ones.

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