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Reply templates overview
Reply templates overview

The article provides an overview of Reply templates and how you can use them for a much quicker and better experience with your outreach

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Written by Reply Team
Updated over a week ago

A great email copy is your first step to an outstanding outreach. You can create as many email templates as you like and use them for some or all your sequences. The Templates page allows you to edit, delete, or share templates with your Reply team or community.

Overview of the Templates page

To start working with templates, open the Templates page from the main Reply menu. You can find folders and linked sequences in the left navigation panel, a list of templates in the center, and template stats on the right:

Folders section

The folders on the left allow you to access templates from any sequence, personal or team folders, as well as the Reply template library. Simply click on a folder or sequence.

List of templates

Reply sorts templates by their creation date, with the most recent at the top. You can scroll through them and navigate longer lists using pagination.

Template stats

The Templates page also shows open and reply rates for a template from all sequences it is connected to:

โ€‹Opens = Number of opened emails/Number of sent emails from steps with such templates *100%

Replies = Number of replied emails/Number of sent emails from steps with such templates *100%

You can also find opens/replies/deliveries rates on the Reports page when choosing a specific sequence (also, in Sequence Stats):

How to use template view

Edit tab

By clicking on a template, you can read the template copy and start editing it. If a template is connected to several sequences, you can instantly change its copy for all of them. That makes editing text for multiple sequences a much quicker and better experience. For more details, read this article.

Preview tab

From the Preview tab, you can quickly preview how templates with parsed variables look like and send test emails to your account to check if everything works fine with the copy. Please note that you can send test emails even for unsaved templates, e.g. when you are changing email copy:

Stats tab

By opening the Stats tab from the Template view, you can quickly analyze the overall performance of your template:

Sequences tab

You can open the Sequences tab in the Template view to analyze the performance of any template in different sequences and navigate to them.

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