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How to use Account created trigger
How to use Account created trigger

Learn how to automatically assign an account stage based on a specific event or condition using an automation trigger

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Written by Reply Team
Updated over a week ago

Trigger is an event or condition that automatically causes something else to happen. In Reply, triggers can be set up to update records about contacts and accounts or perform specific actions when certain conditions are met. Here's a more detailed guide to triggers.

One of the triggers available in Reply is the Account created trigger, which automatically assigns an account stage as soon as a new account is created.

Account created is also one of the predefined triggers; it works by default and assigns the "New" account stage. However, you can also customize a predefined trigger or create a new one to configure specific events, conditions, and actions.

Set up the "Account created" trigger

To set up the "Account created" trigger, follow these steps:

  1. Open Settings from the header menu and navigate to the Triggers tab.

  2. Click on the New trigger button.

  3. On the trigger page, add a name for your trigger by clicking on the "New trigger" field.

  4. In the "When" section, select the "Account created" trigger from the drop-down list of available triggers.

  5. If you need to add conditions to your trigger, use the "If" section. For example, you can specify the exact name of the account, domain, company size, and more.

  6. Use the "Then" section to add an action for the trigger. Click on the "Set account stage" option which is the only possible action here.

  7. Select the desired stage from the drop-down list such as "New", "Qualified", "Meeting booked", "Negotiating", and more.

  8. Click on "Save".

  9. Enable the trigger by switching the radio button in front of it.

That's it! Once you create a new account in Reply, the stage you selected in the trigger will be assigned to it.

Please note.

Conditions in the "If" section allow you to filter out the newly created account by specific criteria such as account name, domain, owner, and more. In this case, your trigger will only work for particular accounts that match the selected conditions.


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